Visualization is the ability through which an image that is created in the mind of an individual and that has a perception about his/her surrounding. It is also known as the skill to represent the information, data or process in the form of mental pictures.
How is Visualization developed through Abacus?
The long term training of 2 and half years makes the Abacus users skilled on visualizing the image of the Abacus in their minds. The further calculations can be performed on this image mentally without converting them into words or numbers, instead moving the beads mentally on the image of the Abacus created.
These visualization images can be easily studied through EEGs(Electro Encephalgrams) as observed by Ms. Kimiko kawano, Reasearcher From Nippon Medical School, Center for Informatics and sciences.
Visualization is a resultant of the functioning of right brain, This means tha Abacus enhances the right side of brain by incorporating the knack of visualizing images.
Want your child to experience it? Do admit your child for the Master mind Abacus course and discover his/her hidden potential. We inspire your child to be superior among others and increase their mental arithmetic skills. Let your child join the best Abacus traning institute now !
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